Industrial Graduate School
“IndTech” is the collective name that refers to using core technologies from IoT, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and optimization to realize modern digitalization solutions in the industry. IndTech postgraduate school is the Swedish KKs funded programme which allows the university to carry out the postgraduate programme in a field with both scientific strengths and further development for the business sector.

Catch Up With the Latest News!
Licentiate Thesis Defense-Vésteinn Sigurjónsson
Congratulations to the licentiate Thesis Defense of Vésteinn Sigurjónsson Licentiate Thesis Title: Leveraging Technical Interoperability for DesignManufacturing Integration in Low Volume Manufacturing Industry Time: 2025-02-03 13:15 (CET) Location: Mälardalen university, Eskilstuna, Room C1-007 Main Supervisors: Jessica Bruch Co-supervisor: Anna Granlund Abstract: The low-volume manufacturing industry is facing an ever increasing competitive market environment, where high degrees […]
Licentiate Thesis Defense-Sania Partovian
Welcome to the licentiate Thesis Defense of Sania Partovian Licentiate Thesis Title: Smart-troubleshooting in Industry 4.0 leveraging log files and product information Time: 2024-01-23 9:30 (CET) Location: Mälardalen university, Eskilstuna, Room C3-003 Main Supervisors: Francesco Flammini Co-supervisor: Alessio Bucaioni Abstract: Connected Internet of Things devices are becoming more powerful, yet the challenge of effectively managing them […]
Licentiate Thesis Defense-Adrian Sanchez de Ocaña
Welcome to the licentiate Thesis Defense of Adrian Sanchez de Ocaña Licentiate Thesis Title: Advancing the Development Process of Digital Twins in Production Systems Time: 2024-12-04 9:15 (CET) Location: Mälardalen university, Eskilstuna, Room C3-003 Main Supervisors: Jessica Bruch Co-supervisor: Ioanna Aslanidou, Imad Berrouyne Abstract: Manufacturing companies are increasingly making substantial investments towards digital twins to enable the continuous optimization of […]
InDTech Graduate School Conference 2023!
This gathering brings together the brightest minds in academia, providing a platform for PhD scholars to showcase their groundbreaking work, exchange valuable insights, and foster collaborative efforts.
This year, we are thrilled to announce an exciting expansion of our network to Germany and Luxembourg which remarks the further steps of internationalization of IndTech Graduate school.
Research Tracks
Four research tracks have been designed to match the existing academic excellence and the development needs as well as the industrial strategic priorities, challenges, and competence needs. Accordingly, a comprehensive postgraduate course program provides strong support for the research.
Meet our PhD students
The co-production in INDTECH between MDU and the 12 industrial partners will result in 15 graduated PhD students in a strategically important area. PhD graduates of INDTECH with a new interdisciplinary perspective will pilar digitalization and Industry 4.0 of the whole society.

Become our partner
Our partners include leading industrial companies, research institutes, and supporting initiatives that provide a solid base for cross-company and cross-industrial synergies, creating lasting value for the INDTECH PhD students, the industrial partners, the university, and for Sweden.
The Rhetoric Workshops aim to enhance the PhD student’s public speaking skills with intensive one-day training. The rhetoric coach Elaine Eksvärd was invited to this workshop to give practical tools and customized training for each student. Here you will find the introduction, the useful tips, and the final presentations from students after practice.
Workshop Introduction
IndTech graduate school organized the Rhetoric workshop for Ph.D. students to enhance their presentation skills on 13th May 2022, Eskilstuna campus. Elaine Eksvärd, the experienced communication consultant, was invited to coach the young researchers for the whole day.
Episode 1: Goals and students expectations
The common challenge most researchers face is how to make the academic presentation engaging. She used presentation examples on different occasions to help them understand the importance of clarity, engagement, and fun.
Episode 2: The tools
Elaine provided powerful tools to facilitate the students to break the routine by building the first impression from self-introduction. Each student got individual training regarding the details such as the voice, the gesture, eye contact, etc.
Episode 3: The presentations
The workshop aimed to support their 5 minutes pitch at the upcoming IndTech graduate school conference, where they will present themselves and research topics for more than 50 participants.