

Mandatory Courses within IndTech

NrTitleNatureFocus trackCredits
1Introduction to graduate educationMandatory3.0 hp
2Research planningMandatory4.5 hp
3Research methods in natrual science and engineeringMandatory7.5 hp

General recommended PhD courses within IndTech

NrTitleNatureFocus trackCredits
4Ethics in researchRecommended7.5 hp
5Academic writing in engineeringRecommended7.5 hp
6Review of scientific publicationsRecommended7.5 hp
7Project manegement and commercializationRecommended7.5 hp

Subject-specific Courses within IndTech

NrTitleNatureFocus TrackCredits
8Industry 4.0RecommendedT17.5 hp
9Production Planning and OptimizationOptionalT17.5 hp
10Production Systems DevelopmentOptionalT17.5 hp
11Big Data and Analytics for Industrial SystemsRecommendedT27.5 hp
12Machine Learning and Adaptive SystemsRecommendedT24.5 hp
13Intelligent SystemsOptionalT27.5 hp
14Industrial Intenet of thingsRecommendedT37.5 hp
15Applied CybersecurityOptionalT35.0 hp
16Programming of Reliable Embedded SystemsOptionalT37.5 hp
17Diagnostics and Decision Support for Ind. SystemsOptionalT36.0 hp
18Python Programming and Engineering OptimizationRecommendedT46.0 hp
19Sensor Technology (incl. soft sensors)OptionalT47.5 hp
20Control and Embedded Dynamic SimulationsOptionalT45.0 hp
21Exprerimental Measurment Techniques in Thermo-Fluid Mechanics and SpectroscopyOptionalT47.5 hp

+ Other new courses (developed according to needs identified through individual projects)