Barrett Sauter

Educational background
Master’s degree within product and process development engineering from Mälardalen University
Work Experience
Barrett worked as a 3D-printing lab technician in industry, taught heavy-duty machinery skills in the university prototype labs, flew to Ashesi, University of Ghana, to teach 3D printing, and also coordinated and taught the use of virtual and augmented reality throughout an engineering bachelor’s and master’s program.
Research Interests
Her research topic includes exploring how manufacturing organizations adopt virtual reality technologies in-order-to reduce development times of new heavy-duty machinery. This includes examining past attempts and constructing new frameworks that future teams can follow to adopt the technology. In the future I am excited to coordinate adoption endeavors as well as develope maturity models for different types of adoption measurement.
Sauter, B., Granlund, A., Badasjane, V., Ahlskog, M., & Bruch, J. (2024). What not to do: VR implementation teams and the barriers that inhibit them. Swedish production symposium (SPS). Trollhättan.
Sauter, B., Granlund, A., Ahlskog, M., Bruch, J., & Badasjane, V. (2023). Integrating XR technologies in the product realization process: Current approaches and challenges. European Operations Management Association (EurOMA). Leuven.
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